Our company has been operating in the field of production and sale of spare parts for rolling stock for more than 26 years. We offer a comprehensive solutions in the area of compressed air and spare parts for rolling stock. Thanks to the most modern technology and the professional experience of our employees, we are among the leading companies in the field in Slovakia. We hold the authorization of professional competence for the production and supply of spare parts for rolling stock for the Slovak and Czech Republics and the authorization from the Office for the Regulation of Railway Transport for the welding of railway vehicles in accordance with the standard EN 15 085 for CL-1
Koľajové vozidlá
Produkty a služby - železnice
Overwiew of railway products
Driving vehicles
- Turbodúchadlá
- Brzdové kompresory
- Podvozková časť
- Guma-kov
- Mechanické ND
Passenger cars
- Vákuové WC GLOVA
- Brzdové systémy
- Šróbenia
- Úprava stlačeného vzduchu
Freight wagons
- Klanice
- Deliace priečky
- Brzdové systémy /NV/
- Železničná zarážka vzor 87
- Stojan na zarážky
- Vozidlová chladnička
- Vzduchojemy